
关键字 : Opera Firefox 免费 浏览器   (奥斯陆-法新社)挪威软件公司Opera宣布将提供免费的Opera浏览器下载,并且不含广告条,此举意在超越Firefox,成为世界上第二常用的浏览器。   Opera的CEO Jon von Tetzchner对法新社表示“我们希望成为世界第二大的浏览器,第一个实在是太难超越了”,他指得是微软的Internet Explorer。   目前Opera的浏览器可以免费下载,但是都含有广告条。   von Tetzchner说:“我们在于对手的技术竞争中一直做的很好,但是用户不喜欢使用Opera的原因是,他们不喜欢广告条,而要去掉广告条,他们需要支付39美金。所以我们决定消除这个障碍,吸引更多的用户。”   他补充说:“这个决定不是针对Firefox的,是为了我们的市场份额考虑而做出的决定。”   他说,Opera浏览器有一千到一千五百万的使用者,占浏览器市场的百分之一到百分之二的份额,而Firefox占百分之五。   “我们的目标是达到这个数字,然后超过他们。”他继续说道。   一家专攻互联网用户统计的公司——NetApplications,在七月发表的一篇报告中称,截至六月份,Firefox已经占据了浏览器市场的8.71%。   Opera浏览器给用户提供了语音命令的功能,减少因身份识别等引起的安全问题,同时加强了其他关于互联网和email的一些安全机制。 原文: Opera browser goes free to fight Firefox Tue Sep 20,10:47 AM ET OSLO (AFP) - Norwegian group Opera Software said that it would offer its web browser Opera free and without advertising banners, in a bid to outdo rival Firefox and become the world’s second most used browser. “We want to become the second-biggest browser. The number one is a little inaccessible,” Opera Software chief executive Jon von Tetzchner told AFP in a reference to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. A lighter version of Opera has until now been available for free download on the internet, but with ad banners. “We’ve always stood up well in comparison with our competitors in technical tests but users disliked that they had to pay 39 dollars and that we had ads. We decided to eliminate these obstacles in order to attract users,” von Tetzchner said. “This decision is not aimed at Firefox. It’s aimed at increasing our market share,” he added. He said Opera had between 10 and 15 million active users in the world, or “between one and two percent of internet users”. By comparison, Firefox has just over five percent, he said. “Our aim is to rise to their level and surpass them,” he said. A study published in July by the company NetApplications, which specializes in internet user statistics, said Firefox had an 8.71-percent share of the world market in June. Opera’s web browser enables users to surf the internet with voice commands and reduce the risks of identity fraud and other internet and email fraud.

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